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Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Alec Wood
Alec Wood was appointed to the role of Temporary Assistant Chief Constable in May 2009. 

He joined Lincolnshire Police in 1986 as a probationary constable.  His career to date has included many specialist and operational roles around Lincolnshire, including Head of Headquarters CID and Divisional Command for West Division, the county’s biggest policing Division. He is currently studying for a MA in Ethics of Policing and Criminal Justice.

As Temporary Assistant Chief Constable (Protective Services) Alec is responsible for the Operations and Crime portfolio within Lincolnshire Police.  He is also the force lead for both Citizen Focus and the delivery of the Policing Pledge.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Alec Wood

Alec Wood was appointed to the role of Temporary Assistant Chief Constable in May 2009.

He joined Lincolnshire Police in 1986 as a probationary constable. His career to date has included many specialist and operational roles around Lincolnshire, including Head of Headquarters CID and Divisional Command for West Division, the county’s biggest policing Division. He is currently studying for a MA in Ethics of Policing and Criminal Justice.

As Temporary Assistant Chief Constable (Protective Services) Alec is responsible for the Operations and Crime portfolio within Lincolnshire Police. He is also the force lead for both Citizen Focus and the delivery of the Policing Pledge.


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