Home > England > Thames Valley > (Chepping) Wycombe Borough Police
Wycombe Borough Police
Chrome plated cap badge with a slider.  Size: 50mm x 32mm. 

Wycombe Borough Police ceased to exist on 31st March 1947 upon amalgamation with the Buckinghamshire Constabulary.

There was no general issue of this badge to the lower ranks, only to the few drivers which they had on strength. 
Keywords: Wycombe Buckinghamshire

Wycombe Borough Police

Chrome plated cap badge with a slider. Size: 50mm x 32mm.

Wycombe Borough Police ceased to exist on 31st March 1947 upon amalgamation with the Buckinghamshire Constabulary.

There was no general issue of this badge to the lower ranks, only to the few drivers which they had on strength.

York_City_Police_Buton_WM.JPG York_City_Helmet_plate_QC_Chr.JPG York_City_Police_HP_KC_WM.JPG Wycombe_Bourough.JPG Brighton_Police.jpg Policeman-bike.jpg TVCT.jpg

Sponsored by: Police Memorabilia Collectors Club

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