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Metropolitan 'Noddy' Helmet
Metropolitan 'Noddy' Helmet, worn when riding the Velocette motorcycle, gained the name 'Noddy' from the riders giving a smart nod to senior officers in lieu of a salute whilst they were riding the motorbike. Smaller than the normal helmet and strongly reinforced, with black plastic centre band, one large rubber vent hole either side and smaller than normal chrome plate
Keywords: metropolitan noddy helmet Headwear

Metropolitan 'Noddy' Helmet

Metropolitan 'Noddy' Helmet, worn when riding the Velocette motorcycle, gained the name 'Noddy' from the riders giving a smart nod to senior officers in lieu of a salute whilst they were riding the motorbike. Smaller than the normal helmet and strongly reinforced, with black plastic centre band, one large rubber vent hole either side and smaller than normal chrome plate

King_George_VI_Police_helmet_Metropolitan_Police.JPG MetSen1.jpg Met_Uniform_belt_detail_1.jpg Met_Const_Noddy.jpg Met_Const_1980_-_Current.jpg Met_Chief_Supt_Ceremonial_1938_-_1954_3.jpg Met_Const_1912_-_1935_1.jpg

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