Home > England > Durham > Durham City Police
Durham City Borough Police Special Constable medal
The front of the Durham City medal can be seen in this photograph, Hopper joined the specials but was later conscripted into war service and received the BWM and Victory medal.  There appears to be no specific length of time of service with the specials to be awarded the medal. 
Keywords: Durham City Special Constable medal

Durham City Borough Police Special Constable medal

The front of the Durham City medal can be seen in this photograph, Hopper joined the specials but was later conscripted into war service and received the BWM and Victory medal. There appears to be no specific length of time of service with the specials to be awarded the medal.

Cambridgeshire__Collar__KC.jpg Cheshire__Leader__Lapel__KC.jpg Devon_County__Lapel_.jpg DSC00230.JPG Grimsby060.jpg Lincoln_City_SC_Lapel_KC.jpg Northyorkspolice.jpg

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