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Edinburgh City Police; Senior Officers Ceremonial Helmet, 1920's
Edinburgh City Police; Senior Officers Ceremonial Helmet, 1920's, similar to Constables and Sergeants ceremonial helmets but of better quality and with gilded fittings and metal bound front peak
Keywords: edinburgh helmet headwear

Edinburgh City Police; Senior Officers Ceremonial Helmet, 1920's

Edinburgh City Police; Senior Officers Ceremonial Helmet, 1920's, similar to Constables and Sergeants ceremonial helmets but of better quality and with gilded fittings and metal bound front peak

Birmingham_City_Police__Cap__QC.jpg ABERDARE_POLICE,_1922,_NAMED.jpg PalPol14.jpg Edin_City_Police_senior_officers_helmet_1.jpg MC006.jpg Kilmarnock_Burgh_Straw_Helmet.jpg WAR-015.jpg

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