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Peter Fahy Chief Constable Cheshire Constabulary
Peter Fahy grew up in East London and joined the police in 1981. Prior to taking up his post with Cheshire in December 2002, he worked in Surrey, Hertfordshire and West Midlands. He has had wide experience of policing inner city and rural areas and has held command positions at Coventry, Smethwick and Solihull. Throughout his career he has worked with other agencies, particularly in the fields of drugs, young people and community safety. He has experience of leading murder investigations and major complaint enquiries.

As Chief Constable of Cheshire he has implemented a major change programme to establish neighbourhood policing units across the county and strengthen the intelligence led effort. He has overseen the opening of the new force headquarters and PFI custody.

Peter Fahy is 49 and married with four children. He holds an Honours degree in French and Spanish from Hull University and a Masters degree in Human Resource Strategy from the University of East Anglia and was awarded the Queen's Police Medal in January 2004. He has been a governor at various schools for 12 years. He is Chairman of the Cheshire Youth Federation and a member of the County Scout Council and Chairman of the Local Criminal Justice Board. Nationally he chaired the ACPO Race and Diversity Business Area leading work on meeting the recommendation of the CRE investigation into the Police Service and taking forward work on a number of policy areas including community cohesion, hate crime and fairness in the criminal justice system. He also leads work on the Special Constabulary which has seen a significant increase in numbers of volunteers and is working with other agencies on reform of the coroners' system. In 2006 he was appointed Director of the Strategic Command Course at Bramshill and took up the ACPO Leadership Portfolio carrying out work with NPIA and others on a national leadership strategy. In April 2008 he became chair of the ACPO Workforce Development Business Area.
Keywords: Cheshire CC

Peter Fahy Chief Constable Cheshire Constabulary

Peter Fahy grew up in East London and joined the police in 1981. Prior to taking up his post with Cheshire in December 2002, he worked in Surrey, Hertfordshire and West Midlands. He has had wide experience of policing inner city and rural areas and has held command positions at Coventry, Smethwick and Solihull. Throughout his career he has worked with other agencies, particularly in the fields of drugs, young people and community safety. He has experience of leading murder investigations and major complaint enquiries.

As Chief Constable of Cheshire he has implemented a major change programme to establish neighbourhood policing units across the county and strengthen the intelligence led effort. He has overseen the opening of the new force headquarters and PFI custody.

Peter Fahy is 49 and married with four children. He holds an Honours degree in French and Spanish from Hull University and a Masters degree in Human Resource Strategy from the University of East Anglia and was awarded the Queen's Police Medal in January 2004. He has been a governor at various schools for 12 years. He is Chairman of the Cheshire Youth Federation and a member of the County Scout Council and Chairman of the Local Criminal Justice Board. Nationally he chaired the ACPO Race and Diversity Business Area leading work on meeting the recommendation of the CRE investigation into the Police Service and taking forward work on a number of policy areas including community cohesion, hate crime and fairness in the criminal justice system. He also leads work on the Special Constabulary which has seen a significant increase in numbers of volunteers and is working with other agencies on reform of the coroners' system. In 2006 he was appointed Director of the Strategic Command Course at Bramshill and took up the ACPO Leadership Portfolio carrying out work with NPIA and others on a national leadership strategy. In April 2008 he became chair of the ACPO Workforce Development Business Area.

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