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Mike Bowron Commissioner City of London Police
The head of the City of London Police traditionally holds the rank of Commissioner. With the exception of the Metropolitan Police Service, which has its own Commissioner, all other UK police forces have a Chief Constable at their head.

Mr Bowron joined the City of London Police as Assistant Commissioner and Deputy to the Commissioner in September 2002. Mr Bowron leads the Operational Policing.

Commissioner Bowron is responsible for operational policing and performance in the City of London Police and chairs the Force Performance Management Group (PMG). Mr Bowron is the Senior Officer responsible for our key policing areas, including, economic crime, anti-terrorism and public order, specialist crime operations, and our territorial policing units.

Mr Bowron was promoted to the rank of Assistant Chief Constable in Kent in September 1997. For the first year he held the Personnel & Training portfolio followed by two years as A.C.C. Area Operations. For the final 2 years he held the Central Operations (Crime) portfolio.

Mr Bowron began his policing career with Sussex Constabulary in 1980. Between 1991 and 1994 Mr Bowron was part of a Foreign and Commonwealth Office working party helping to reform the police in Czechoslovakia. In 2000 he was posted to the British Embassy in Jakarta for six months and was given responsibility for separating the Indonesian National Police from the Military and carrying out a thorough reorganisation to meet the needs of the new democracy.

In 1990 he was attached to the European Unit at NSY researching the implications of a Europe without frontiers, where he was promoted to Chief Inspector. He returned to Sussex in 1991 where he took up the post of Chief Inspector Operations at Brighton. This was followed 9 months later by promotion to Superintendent at Worthing where he stayed as Divisional Commander for 3 years. In 1994 he became Head of the Force Inspectorate.

In 1995 Mr Bowron attended the Strategic Command Course at the Polic
Keywords: Commissioner City of London Police

Mike Bowron Commissioner City of London Police

The head of the City of London Police traditionally holds the rank of Commissioner. With the exception of the Metropolitan Police Service, which has its own Commissioner, all other UK police forces have a Chief Constable at their head.

Mr Bowron joined the City of London Police as Assistant Commissioner and Deputy to the Commissioner in September 2002. Mr Bowron leads the Operational Policing.

Commissioner Bowron is responsible for operational policing and performance in the City of London Police and chairs the Force Performance Management Group (PMG). Mr Bowron is the Senior Officer responsible for our key policing areas, including, economic crime, anti-terrorism and public order, specialist crime operations, and our territorial policing units.

Mr Bowron was promoted to the rank of Assistant Chief Constable in Kent in September 1997. For the first year he held the Personnel & Training portfolio followed by two years as A.C.C. Area Operations. For the final 2 years he held the Central Operations (Crime) portfolio.

Mr Bowron began his policing career with Sussex Constabulary in 1980. Between 1991 and 1994 Mr Bowron was part of a Foreign and Commonwealth Office working party helping to reform the police in Czechoslovakia. In 2000 he was posted to the British Embassy in Jakarta for six months and was given responsibility for separating the Indonesian National Police from the Military and carrying out a thorough reorganisation to meet the needs of the new democracy.

In 1990 he was attached to the European Unit at NSY researching the implications of a Europe without frontiers, where he was promoted to Chief Inspector. He returned to Sussex in 1991 where he took up the post of Chief Inspector Operations at Brighton. This was followed 9 months later by promotion to Superintendent at Worthing where he stayed as Divisional Commander for 3 years. In 1994 he became Head of the Force Inspectorate.

In 1995 Mr Bowron attended the Strategic Command Course at the Polic

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