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Adrian Leppard Deputy Chief Constable Kent Police
Adrian Leppard has enjoyed a varied career, working briefly as a traffic officer at Surrey Police before promotion to sergeant in 1989 and a subsequent transfer to CID.

He spent most of his 22 years' service as a detective investigating a broad range of crimes through the ranks of sergeant to superintendent.

As detective inspector at the Surrey force intelligence bureau, Adrian gained experience in hostage negotiation, intelligence and covert operations. He was also responsible for formulating crime reduction and detection policies.

More recently as senior investigating officer he has led investigations into homicides and other serious crimes.

Before his appointment to Kent Police he was area commander in North West Surrey. This role included responsibility for local performance, partnerships and strategic direction.

Prior to his appointment in December 2007 to the post of Deputy Chief Constable, his former command roles at Kent Police included Assistant Chief Constable responsible for specialist operations and more recently, area operations.
Keywords: Deputy Chief Constable Kent Police

Adrian Leppard Deputy Chief Constable Kent Police

Adrian Leppard has enjoyed a varied career, working briefly as a traffic officer at Surrey Police before promotion to sergeant in 1989 and a subsequent transfer to CID.

He spent most of his 22 years' service as a detective investigating a broad range of crimes through the ranks of sergeant to superintendent.

As detective inspector at the Surrey force intelligence bureau, Adrian gained experience in hostage negotiation, intelligence and covert operations. He was also responsible for formulating crime reduction and detection policies.

More recently as senior investigating officer he has led investigations into homicides and other serious crimes.

Before his appointment to Kent Police he was area commander in North West Surrey. This role included responsibility for local performance, partnerships and strategic direction.

Prior to his appointment in December 2007 to the post of Deputy Chief Constable, his former command roles at Kent Police included Assistant Chief Constable responsible for specialist operations and more recently, area operations.

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