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Wendy Yeardon Temporary Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) Leicestershire Constabulary
Wendy Yeadon began her service in 1978 with Nottinghamshire Police as a police cadet, joining the regulars in 1980.

She served in operational roles across the force area, to the rank of Chief Inspector. She also successfully completed the National Accelerated Promotion Scheme at Sergeant and Inspector levels, as well as a part-time Masters Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Loughborough University.

Ms Yeadon then transferred to Bedfordshire Police as a Superintendent in 2001 where she took up the role of Deputy Commander, followed by Commander, of the Operational Support Division - covering specialised units, contingency planning and Counter Terrorism.

During this time, she was given the opportunity to be the first Chief of Staff for the Police National Information and Coordination Centre (PNICC) in London at the time of the Tsunami disaster; and was also the Silver Firearms Commander for one of the most significant counter terrorist operations in the country at that time.

Transferred to Leicestershire in 2005 on promotion to Chief Superintendent, she became the Basic Command Unit (BCU) Commander for two consecutive BCUs within the force. 
In November 2007, she was given her first opportunity to temporarily cover the role of Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) having responsibility for overall command of operational policing response; Neighbourhood policing; specialist protective services and contact management. After 3 months she then took over as Head of the Corporate Development Department, with responsibilities for business planning; policies; and a major program of change in improving resource and demand management.

In November 2008 she attended and successfully completed the Strategic Command Course – a pre-requisite to applying for a substantive role of Assistant Chief Constable.

Wendy Yeardon Temporary Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) Leicestershire Constabulary

Wendy Yeadon began her service in 1978 with Nottinghamshire Police as a police cadet, joining the regulars in 1980.

She served in operational roles across the force area, to the rank of Chief Inspector. She also successfully completed the National Accelerated Promotion Scheme at Sergeant and Inspector levels, as well as a part-time Masters Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Loughborough University.

Ms Yeadon then transferred to Bedfordshire Police as a Superintendent in 2001 where she took up the role of Deputy Commander, followed by Commander, of the Operational Support Division - covering specialised units, contingency planning and Counter Terrorism.

During this time, she was given the opportunity to be the first Chief of Staff for the Police National Information and Coordination Centre (PNICC) in London at the time of the Tsunami disaster; and was also the Silver Firearms Commander for one of the most significant counter terrorist operations in the country at that time.

Transferred to Leicestershire in 2005 on promotion to Chief Superintendent, she became the Basic Command Unit (BCU) Commander for two consecutive BCUs within the force.
In November 2007, she was given her first opportunity to temporarily cover the role of Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) having responsibility for overall command of operational policing response; Neighbourhood policing; specialist protective services and contact management. After 3 months she then took over as Head of the Corporate Development Department, with responsibilities for business planning; policies; and a major program of change in improving resource and demand management.

In November 2008 she attended and successfully completed the Strategic Command Course – a pre-requisite to applying for a substantive role of Assistant Chief Constable.

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