Home > Airports Docks Harbours & Canals > Sharpness Docks Police
Police Constable Sharpness Docks, near Berkeley, Gloucestershire
This is the only picture I have ever seen showing the insignia to this very small police force. 
SD Chromed letters to collar, and repeated in the centre of Black 'laurel wreath' style circular KC helmet plate. For some reason the Constable has hooked up his leather chin strap behind the crown of the badge, very scruffy!

Police Constable Sharpness Docks, near Berkeley, Gloucestershire

This is the only picture I have ever seen showing the insignia to this very small police force.
SD Chromed letters to collar, and repeated in the centre of Black 'laurel wreath' style circular KC helmet plate. For some reason the Constable has hooked up his leather chin strap behind the crown of the badge, very scruffy!

Preston_Borough_1.jpg Sunderland_Borough_1.jpg Leicester___Rutland.jpg Pc_SD_(Sharpness_Docks).jpg Capture7.JPG Wiltshire_Warrant_Card_Holder.jpg Cheshire_Helmet.jpg

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