Home > England > Gloucestershire > Gloucestershire Constabulary
Sgt 180 Walter Ryland
Born in Gloucestershire during 1898, served during WWI as a sniper with the York Hussars, then joined the Gloucestershire Constabulary on 05/01/1920, until he retired in 1952.
His father, Henry Ryland, also served as Police Sgt 321 with Gloucestershire between 1890-1925.
Keywords: Gloucestershire

Sgt 180 Walter Ryland

Born in Gloucestershire during 1898, served during WWI as a sniper with the York Hussars, then joined the Gloucestershire Constabulary on 05/01/1920, until he retired in 1952.
His father, Henry Ryland, also served as Police Sgt 321 with Gloucestershire between 1890-1925.

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