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WWII at Police Headquarters, Salford
You can see the "slit covers" over the headlamps to avoid any light being seen from above by the enemy. They've even taken the bulb out of the Wolseley badge on the cars radiator.
Submitted by: Rod Hardisty

WWII at Police Headquarters, Salford

You can see the "slit covers" over the headlamps to avoid any light being seen from above by the enemy. They've even taken the bulb out of the Wolseley badge on the cars radiator.
Submitted by: Rod Hardisty

NEWCASTLE_UPON_TYNE_POLICE,_PC_57C_-001.jpg Police_cars_in_WW_2.jpg Inspt-hewittwebsize.jpg WEST_RIDING_CONSTABULARY,_WETHERBY_RACES_1920.jpg eynshamPTC1968T.jpg BRITISH_CIVIL_POLICE2C_HAMBURG_Circa_1945_-_001.jpg Worcestershire_Police__Buttons__Black_and_small.jpg

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