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Mobile Column exercise
The Mobile Column exercise took place at Bovington Camp, Dorset in July 1965 and the actual exercise on Portland terminated with a parade on Weymouth sea-front. In the lineup in front of the van (in which we lived on exercise) I am flat capped 4th from right, Inspector Reg Gale, (Hants) is at the extreme left and also in the picture is Pc "Bud" Abbott, also from Hants. Submitted by David France

Mobile Column exercise

The Mobile Column exercise took place at Bovington Camp, Dorset in July 1965 and the actual exercise on Portland terminated with a parade on Weymouth sea-front. In the lineup in front of the van (in which we lived on exercise) I am flat capped 4th from right, Inspector Reg Gale, (Hants) is at the extreme left and also in the picture is Pc "Bud" Abbott, also from Hants. Submitted by David France

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE_CONSTABULARY,_Sgt_56(James_LAIT).jpg SHROPSHIRE_CONSTABULARY_-002.jpg METROPOLITAN_POLICE_Y_DIVISION_MOUNTED_Insp_-_001.jpg MobileColumnBovingtonCampandWeymouth1.jpg West_Mercia_HP_QC.jpg EAG-110.jpg East_Sussex__Cap__KC.jpg

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