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Sergeant James Talbot, c1910
This is my Great - Grand Uncle  James Talbot (born 1868) in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland. Aged 22, six foot tall ,  he  joined up on 15th  July 1890 and he became Constable 54453. He trained in No 1 Company at the  R.I.C. Depot in Dublin's Phoenix Park. He  posted to the Wexford Division in April 1891. He was promoted to sergeant on 1st February 1909. Having married his sweetheart on 4th September 1913, he was posted to the Kilkenny Division because his wife had family connections  in Wexford.

After 25 years loyal service he took his pension on 1st October 1915. He died in Wexford in  1938.

Submitted by Michael James Talbot

Sergeant James Talbot, c1910

This is my Great - Grand Uncle James Talbot (born 1868) in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland. Aged 22, six foot tall , he joined up on 15th July 1890 and he became Constable 54453. He trained in No 1 Company at the R.I.C. Depot in Dublin's Phoenix Park. He posted to the Wexford Division in April 1891. He was promoted to sergeant on 1st February 1909. Having married his sweetheart on 4th September 1913, he was posted to the Kilkenny Division because his wife had family connections in Wexford.

After 25 years loyal service he took his pension on 1st October 1915. He died in Wexford in 1938.

Submitted by Michael James Talbot

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