Home > England > Northumbria > Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Police
Newcastle Upon Tyne Night Helmet, circa early 1930's
Newcastle Upon Tyne Night Helmet, circa early 1930's, six panel design with black leather centre band. Blackened balltop, ear rosettes and helmet plate using a very thick black paint. Helmet plate is the slightly larger style with only one hole shown in the garter after the word 'Tyne' which was worn before the slightly smaller type introduced in the early 1930's.
Keywords: newcastle helmet Headwear

Newcastle Upon Tyne Night Helmet, circa early 1930's

Newcastle Upon Tyne Night Helmet, circa early 1930's, six panel design with black leather centre band. Blackened balltop, ear rosettes and helmet plate using a very thick black paint. Helmet plate is the slightly larger style with only one hole shown in the garter after the word 'Tyne' which was worn before the slightly smaller type introduced in the early 1930's.

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