Home > England > Cheshire > Cheshire Constabulary
Pony & Trap
Constable Dudley accompanying his Superintendent  in this photograph he is seen wearing a lance corporal's cheveron
Constable 368 George Dudley served in the Cheshire Constabulary from 1893 until  17th January 1920, was stationed at Middlewich.
Photograph submitted by Thomas Newport
Keywords: Dudley Cheshire

Pony & Trap

Constable Dudley accompanying his Superintendent in this photograph he is seen wearing a lance corporal's cheveron
Constable 368 George Dudley served in the Cheshire Constabulary from 1893 until 17th January 1920, was stationed at Middlewich.
Photograph submitted by Thomas Newport

West_Riding__HP__Black__QC.jpg East_Riding__Buttons__KC.jpg Essex_and_Southend_On_Sea_Constabuylary__Cap__Blue_Ring__QC_.jpg PonyTrapT.jpg B_ham_Specials_1916_Long_Serve_Medal.JPG c123_1.jpg Dorset_SC_Lapel_KC,,,.jpg

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