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South African Police Non European Belt Buckle worn 1913 to 1926 (and later)
Non-European members of the SA Police wore their insignia in White Metal or chrome plated until 1977 when insignia was made the same for all regardless of race. 

The official second language of the Union of South Africa from 1910 was Dutch which changed to Afrikaans in 1925. The following year the Police officially changed their insignia replacing the words Zuid Afrikaanse Politie with the words Suid Afrikaanse Poliesie. It took many years for this to filter down to the lower ranks with photos in existence from the 1940s showing members still wearing old Dutch language items.
Keywords: South African Police Non European Belt Buckle 1913 to 1926

South African Police Non European Belt Buckle worn 1913 to 1926 (and later)

Non-European members of the SA Police wore their insignia in White Metal or chrome plated until 1977 when insignia was made the same for all regardless of race.

The official second language of the Union of South Africa from 1910 was Dutch which changed to Afrikaans in 1925. The following year the Police officially changed their insignia replacing the words Zuid Afrikaanse Politie with the words Suid Afrikaanse Poliesie. It took many years for this to filter down to the lower ranks with photos in existence from the 1940s showing members still wearing old Dutch language items.

IMG_3841.JPG IMG_3842.JPG SAP_College.jpg IMG_3102.JPG Galantry_cloth.JPG IMG_3101~0.JPG IMG_7494.JPG

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