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Lt Col John Chandos-Pole OBE
Lord Lieutenant of the County and Maurice Buck Inspecting the Counties Specials
Submitted by Martyn Wheeldon

Lt Col John Chandos-Pole OBE

Lord Lieutenant of the County and Maurice Buck Inspecting the Counties Specials
Submitted by Martyn Wheeldon

PALESTINE_POLICE_MOBILE_FORCE_1945,_Sgt_D_C_BUTTERFIELD_-001.jpg William_Baden_SKITT.jpg John_Aiden_Hastings_Gott.jpg Lt__Col__John_Walkelyne_Chandos-Pole,_OBE,_the_Lord_Lieutenant_of_the_County_and_Maurice_Buck__Inspecting_the_County_s_Specials.jpg Arthur_Chapman.jpg Ch_Supt_Ted_Parry.jpg Christoper_Cross.jpg

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